Very recently my good friend and Yoga Teacher Fellow Paulina and I were discussing the question „How often do you practice Yoga?“

Both Paulina and I do practice Yoga every day. However, what does this actually mean „to practice Yoga“?

What does it mean to practice Yoga?

I am certain that like myself most people think that Yoga is about the physical practice only, to be or become flexible and strong and do fancy poses like headstand or handstand or shoulder stand, or the like. Let me tell you that this is not true!

Within the last few years, I learned and experienced that there is so much more to Yoga than physical practice.

It can actually begin with the simplest things! Everything can be considered Yoga if you do it right if you are aware and in the present moment!

The ancient Yogis developed the asana practice to prepare the body for meditation, to actually be able to sit in stillness for a very long time without feeling uncomfortable.

What does Yoga mean to me?

I am still at the beginning of my Yoga studies and am not an expert, yet. However, I have already learned from my wonderful Yoga Teachers Marylene Henry and Ella Trotter that Yoga goes way beyond the mat.

It is about being the true you as well as listening to your body and its needs. It is also about taking care of yourself and loving yourself the way you are. Furthermore, it is about finding peace within you and uniting with your higher self.
It is about healing yourself from being influenced by the outer world to realize that you are enough!

Actually, for me, Yoga off the mat has become the more important part than Yoga on the mat. 

I used to be a Yogi that preferred to move every day and do the more powerful Yoga styles like Vinyasa Yoga. However, that has changed immensely especially after a serious burnout that I am still recovering from.

For me, it has become more important to take my time in the morning to start the day mindfully and tune inwards and journal my thoughts, feelings, and emotions while having a nourishing cacao (instead of a coffee). This is also Yoga – take time to listen to your inner wisdom to your thoughts and write this down.

Furthermore, I try to take the time to prepare a healthy meal. This is also Yoga – eating healthy food to nourish your body with vitamins and calories that it needs to be functional.

What else can we call Yoga?

Here are a few things that I call Yoga:

Going for a walk in nature and breathing in the fresh air and truly enjoying this world with its flora and fauna.

Being aware of your breath and deepening your breath every once in a while feeling the belly rise and fall.

Pause and do nothing to recharge.

Of course meditation and asana practice.

Let me summarize my thoughts: You actually should practice Yoga every day. But it does not have to take long hours and it does not have to do asanas and meditation only. Begin with the simple things. Begin with being aware of the moment and especially of your body. Listen to your needs and act accordingly!

Yoga for me is a (self)caring and healing lifestyle that I practice on, but more importantly off the mat.

Now having read my thoughts about Yoga:

No matter what level you currently are at – How often do you practice Yoga?